Sunday, 27 January 2013

A letter from mother to her child

To my Dear Daughter, If I'm not there to help you prepare for this next chapter of your life, to help you decide who to spend your life with, to be there to share your joys and sadness, your girly giggles and your painful tears, know this ... Know that no matter who you find, he is NOT your Mr. Right; Allah is. HE is the One to depend on. HE is the One who will make everything alright. Your husband will be your friend, but take Allah as your BF (Best Friend). When things are good, be grateful to HIM, and when things aren’t so good, cry to HIM. Know that your success isn’t in being the world to this man. Your success, your worthiness is from Allah. You are not incomplete without him. You were beautiful, complete, and worthy before you married. Don’t try to change him into someone he is not. Don’t nag him to get your way and don’t be afraid to love him. But love moderately. Maintain your own happiness. Don’t become so full of him that you are empty inside. Fill your being with the remembrance of Allah. Know that you will have ups and downs. That's normal. And know that when you have downs, it doesn’t equal divorce. Know that if you have children, they'll be watching you, just like you watched me. Know that if you distance yourself from him, he may distance himself from you too, so don’t be afraid to be the first to come back. Remember to make him feel important and appreciated. If you don't, who else will? Know that if you want the man of your dreams, become the woman of your own dreams first. Remember you have faults too. Work on them before you correct his. Get your examples from the Mothers of the Believers and female companions, not the celebrities on TV or movies. Know that even though you saw your father & I smile & play, and you saw me greet him at the door when he came home (even if I just saw him), that I too had a tear-stained prayer mat. But I stayed. Because I knew you needed me. I stayed because Allah made marriage to make us better people, to give us companionship in this troublesome world. Know that I want happiness & love for you. Better than what I had myself. And know that the only way to get it is by sticking to Allah. And lastly, know that I love you! 

 Smile :)

Friday, 25 January 2013

"Andai Rasulullah SAW Melihat Aku Berfacebook"

Assalamualaikum. Saya cuma nak kongsi sedikit perkongsian. Tajuknya ‘Andai Rasulullah SAW Melihat Aku Berfacebook’. Apa yang anda nampak bila dengar tajuk tu?
Seperti yang kita tahu, setiap sesuatu ada ’pro and cons’nya kan? Apa kebaikan facebook and apa pula keburukannya ?
Kawan usrah cakap facebook ni dapat menambah kenalan. Ada jugak yang cakap “disebabkan kita friend dengan bermacam umur manusia,so sedikit sebanyak kita dapat tahu apa yang berlaku. Contohnya di universiti. Kira dapat info sikit pasal U.” Hah, ada jugak yang jawab, facebook ni boleh jadi alat untuk kita menarik minat non-muslim terhadap Islam. Dan dia cerita pengalaman dia ber’chatting’ dengan seorang kristian.

*Muslimah Dan Facebook*

Nampak tak sebenarnya apa yang saya cuba nak sampaikan melalui tajuk tu?

Ok, begini ya Rakan-rakan. Kalaulah kan, seandainya Rasulullah SAW masih ada, bersama kita, melihat kita.. agak-agak macam mana? Apalagi bila Baginda tengok kita muslimah ni dengan apa yang kita buat. Peringatan, BILA KITA BERFACEBOOK, Agak-agak kena puji atau kena tegur?

Sebelum tu kena check dulu. Apa yang kita buat dengan facebook kita. Bermanfaat untuk orang lain atau tak? Dedah aurat tak kat facebook? Kalau dah tutup aurat pun, masih berbalas komen dengan mesra tak dengan lelaki? Chatting yang tak penting? Gambar tayang sesuka hati? Ada tak gambar yang spesis menggoda gitu. Cuba check!

Kalau Nabi Muhammad SAW tengok bagaimana kita ber ‘facebook’ ni, agak-agak kena puji tak? Masa nak berfacebook tu, apa rujukan anda? Siapa sasaran status anda? Banyak jenis orang di facebook ni. Ada yang buat facebook macam diari.

“Facebook aku, suka hati aku la nak post apa pun!”

Kemudian, yang sedihnya bila golongan muslimah, yang faham pengertian ikhtilat, yang faham apa yang wajib dia faham, pun ter’jerumus’ dalam the bad side of Facebook. The bad side of Facebook? Muslimah? macam mana tu? Begini..

Bagaiman syaitan menghias maksiat, kaburkan pandangan kita. Yang buruk tu nampak macam baik. Faham kan?

Contoh mudah. Kita couple. Couple islamik la kononnya. Datang istilah dari mana pun tak tau la.

“Kita tak pernah jumpa pun dengan boyfriend kita. Mesej-mesej je. Tu pun sebulan dua kali. Mesej yang elok-elok je la. Kejut tahajud, subuh, bagi nasihat dan tazkirah. Kita saling mencintai kerana Allah. Apa tu orang kata, ukhuwwahfillah? Ha, ye la tu. Tak dosa. Kami tahu syariat sebab tu tak couple macam orang lain. Couple macam orang lain tu kan taqrabul zina. Kami ingat dosa lagi tau.”

Betul ke ni?

Contoh dalam facebook. Kita post status dengan genre Islamik, Kemudian ada la rijal mari bertandang,

Baguslah enti ni. Post status yang bermanfaat untuk semua. Kalau enti masuk ustazah pilihanconfirm menang ni.”
Eh, takdelah. Biasa-biasa je. Enta tu lagi hebat. Post hadith memanjang. Kalau masuk Imam Muda, mesti kalah semua orang.

Wahai saudara/saudari ku! Siapa yang buka ruang sebenarnya ni? Kemudian kalau ikhwan tu tiba-tiba jadi mesra, mula la nak bersalah sangka, “Eh,dia ni. Nampak je waro’ tapi miang jugak.” “Tak sangka dia berani nak hint-hint aku. Dia sedar tak aku ni siapa, dia tu siapa?”

Hmm, Kasihan muslimin. Dipersalah terus menerus. Saudari, jangan salah faham. Bukan saya nak back up pakatan axis Y ni. Tapi kadang-kadang ada sesetengah perkara tu salah kita sebenarnya.

Seterusnya, post status cinta. Semua status dia tu bertemakan cinta. Cinta islamik popular sekarang ni kat facebook kan? Banyak page-page cinta islamik.

Malah, Buka sahaja facebook. Dekat home tu boleh dikatakan separuh atau lebih yang bercerita soal cinta. Termasuk saya, kadang-kadang.

“Aku mencintaimu kerana agama yang ada pada dirimu. Kalau hilang agamamu, maka hilanglah cintaku padamu.”

Tipu kalau tak pernah dengar quote tuh.

“Aku menunggumu kerana Allah.”

Remaja, Jangan layu sangat dengan falsafah cinta. Da’ie itu bukan membuang masanya dengan falsafah cinta sahaja. Bimbang mulut menutur nasihat cinta islamik, sedangkan hati sedang memujuk nafsu agar mendekati.

Jangan salah faham. Bukan nak cakap benda ni salah. Baguslah sebenarnya kalau cinta berlandaskan iman. Tapi takkan itu sahaja yang kita fikir? Kalau lah kecintaan terhadap ummah macam ni. Subhanallah. Musuh Islam pun gerun tengok kita.

Ada jugak yang spesis ‘aku like kau, kau like aku’. Tiap-tiap status dia like. Macam pelik je, status yang tak menarik pun di ‘like’. Ni like status ke like tuan status? Status sesama gender tu kurang pula dia nak like. Status yang different gender tu juga dia nak like. Apa tuh orang kata, macam magnet. Kan? Kalau North sama North, dia tolak. North dengan South baru boleh tertarik. Magnet nak main aci-tarik-aci-tolak pun tak apala. Magnet tak kenal halal haram. Tapi yang kita ni. Sepatutnya dah terlebih faham kan.

Lagi satu, pasal gambar. Kalau boleh tak perlu la nak upload gambar yang jelas terang-terangan sampai nampak segala jerawat. Muslimah, Walaupun awak tutup aurat dengan sempurna sekalipun, jangan jadikan perkara itu sebagai lesen untuk awak upload gambar sesuka hati. Kita tak tau hati orang. Kita tak tau apa yang orang Lelaki tu fikir . Jadi jagalah perlakuan kamu, mahalkanlah mahar maruah kamu wahai Muslimah.

Kemudian, untuk kamu yang berniqab. Walaupun hanya nampak mata sahaja, janganlah kamu ambil gambar yang agak ‘melampau’. Bimbang nanti terpesong niat pula. Moga dijauhkan. Kita berniqab kerana Allah. Sebab nak jadi lebih baik dari sebelum ni. Jadi, rasanya tak perlu untuk kita letak gambar berniqab yang agak jelas. Gambar individual, kalau ramai-ramai lain cerita. Masalahnya gambar yang shooting dekat. Jelas keindahan mata yang mempesonakan. (Sila jangan marah ya )

Andai Rasulullah s.a.w melihat aku berfacebook, apakah reaksinya?
Kecewakah dia denganku?
Ya Allah, peliharalah diri kami dari segala yang membinasakan..maaf eh kalau ada salah & silap, sama 2 perbetulkan diri ^^


How to Reduce Weight Naturally

Obesity can RISK your health, Reduce your Weight by Natural Way:- 10 Effective Home Remedies for Losing Weight ~

1) Fruits and green vegetables are low caloriefoods, so over weight persons should use these more frequently.

2) One should avoid intake of too much salt. Salt may be a factor for increasing the body weight.

3) Milk products like cheese, butter should be avoided because these are rich in fat. Meat and non-vegetarian foods should also be avoided.

4) Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.

5) Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful for loosing weight.
6) Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation, which is utilized as energy for normal functions. One should start with small quantity of about 10 GMs. or a table spoonful to be taken with hot water. It is good to take it in early morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.

7) Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for loosing weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. It can be taken raw or cooked.

8) Exercise is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is thebest exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing.

9) Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction. Juice of a lime mixed in a glass of warm water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

10) Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small. For example one portion of rice should not be more than the quantity which can fit in your fist. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food you intake into fat. You must also include regular exercise

in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.. 
Dr. Sharib Azmi

Monday, 21 January 2013


Someone came to a father, asking him for the hand of his daughter in marriage: 
”Sir I am ready to pay her any Mahr she wants! I have already a house and a car … If you let me marry your daughter, I would treat her like a princess”
The father told him:
“There is only one Mahr you can pay! For that, I will ask you one question, if you give me the right answer, I will let you marry my daughter… I won’t ask you to give my daughter wealth, house or high status; I want you just to give me the right answer for my question!”
The boy was so happy and he accepted the condition of the father.
The father looked straight into the eyes of the young man and asked:

”In which time the Adhan of Fajr (call for fajr prayer) is called exactly?“ 
the young man’s face turned to red then yellow, he replied after a long time thinking: 
”I guess it’s at 4am? no … I mean 3 maybe?! Honestly Sir, I don’t know!”
“Dear son” 
said the father smiling:
 ”I don’t care of your high status or your bank account! My daughter is so precious, she is like a princess to me with her Hijab and purity so she needs someone who treats her like a queen! No one would make her happy more than a man who fears Allah and obeys Him. Only a righteous husband would give her an unlimited happiness by helping her to get closer to Allah ”
